The Climate Corporation

In my final semester, from January to May 2015, of my college career I decided to do another internship. This time I had the opportunity to work for The Climate Corporation ( assisting the design team. I was given the chance to work with both the Product and Support teams, and was heavily involved in the restructuring of the IA for the Help Center. I also had the fortuity to aid in the visualization of data for the science research team. 

While working on the restructuring of the Information Architecture, I had learned the basics of card sorting and general IA techniques. I used tools such as Omnigraffle, Trello, and ConceptCodify to create a better experience for users to quickly find the help they need. 

Visualizing the data from the databases for the science team was a new task for me. I went through almost every Edward Tufte book, and a few from other authors, as well as the open source book Data + Design. I had to learn R programming and a few supplemental libraries and packages including: Shiny, Dygraphs, rCharts, and Metrics Graphics. This project is still in the works, as my internship is yet to be completed. 

I also had the coincidence to be an intern at a time of user testing and feedback sessions to ensure a successful launch. I was ability to sit in on a few sessions and got to review a few other videos taken from testing prior to my arrival. Through viewing the users and their responses I was able to contribute with the other designers on the possible directions for improvement or removal of features. 

This internship is ongoing and the projects are still occurring, check back in May for a more updated description.