About a month after graduating I took my first software engineering position in a more backend focused role for Gap Inc. We are working on an internal tool to help the promotional planners make better judgement calls. The skills I've learned from the design internships have assisted me in the agile methodologies we practice at Gap. Before playing any cards or stories, I make sure the team and myself are aware of the business impact or features we are enabling (or are on track to enabling) for our end users. The first project I was a part of at Gap was multi-brand enablement, this allowed our tool to be used not only by Gap Outlet, but also Old Navy and the majority of the markets both brands are in (US, Canada, Japan...). The second, and current, project I am working on is a better optimization model and system allowing for faster and on-demand processing. We are migrating from SAS to Gurobi and EC2 for distributed cloud optimization. We have created RESTful API's for up to date data for the engine. For each 1% adopted we are able to increase the profits by an additional 4 million yearly.
The Tech:
Backend: Java, Spring Boot (Cloud), MongoDB, Oracle, Gurobi, EC2, PCF, RabbitMQ
Monitoring: Splunk, AppDynamics